Money Skills that Grow with Age

Everybody wants to teach their kids the most important and valuable things in life.  Money management is an essential life skill that is important at all ages.  Whether you are a child or well into your retirement, there are important money skills that you can develop...

Money Talk is Back on the Table

Let’s talk about money—it’s not just valuable, but it has a place for everyone in their daily lives.  And on top of that—NOT having money discussions can be detrimental to your wealth. Money has historically been an off-limit topic for families, even to the point of...

Why GIPS®?

Have you heard of (GIPS®) or know what it stands for? Most people haven’t. Read on to see why BCM went through this rigorous, thorough process to gain compliance and verification. Billeaud Capital Management, LLC (“BCM”) claims compliance with the Global Investment...