Where Are the Billionaires?

How many billionaires are there today in the United States? While there is no definitive count, most estimates put the number at no more than 1,000. Whatever the precise number, given the power of compounding, there should be many times that number of billionaires in...

Stay Focused on What Matters

Charlie Ellis, called Wall Street’s wisest man by personal finance columnist Jason Zweig of the Wall Street Journal, is a renowned investment consultant I have quoted many times.  The thrust of his advice (indeed, he wrote the book on it) is for investors such as us...

Nothing New Under the Sun…

A booming economy. Animal spirits in the financial markets pushing speculative stocks up to unheard of valuations. Rising inflation pressures pushing bond yields upward. An overseas war dominating the news cycle… Sound familiar? The second half of 2020? 2021? Early...

“We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Bonds” Again?

Everybody knows – 1. Inflation is back. 2. The Fed is going to continue raising interest rates until inflation breaks. 3. Rising energy prices, food prices and interest rates are an economic depressant, but the Fed’s got this.   Here’s what everybody doesn’t know...

The World Usually Doesn’t End

This is important, so please read. Remember this chart from our recent blog A Timeless Lesson – Don’t Miss the Forest for the Trees? Well, there is another chart below that goes along with it.  It is a graphic of the portfolio declines experienced along the way. Since...