Bo's Corner
Random musings from BCM Advisors founder, Bo Billeaud…

Market risk needs to be viewed in terms of time.
Academics define risk as “portfolio volatility”, which they call “beta”. They do that because they are, well, academics. By equating volatility to risk, they can assign Greek letters to their arithmetic, and write lots of academic papers on the subject. ...

You Don’t Want to Have to Get Rich Twice
Let me tell you about one thing you never ever will want to do. You don’t want to have to get rich twice. Don’t do it. Once you’ve achieved a comfortable level of wealth, don’t do anything that could threaten that position. ********************* In 2007,...

Still Simple, After All These Years
You all remember William of Occam, don’t you? Sure you do! William of Occam was one of the major figures of 14th century medieval thought and is mostly remembered for his principle known as Occam's Razor. This principle states that (and I’m paraphrasing here…),...

Butterflies, Chaos, and Unpredictable Outcomes.
We’re all familiar with the butterfly effect. You know, a butterfly flapping its wing in Brazil ultimately causes a tornado in Texas. The butterfly effect is a fascinating concept that illustrates how the smallest of actions can have significant consequences in...

When Stocks are Dropping like a Rock, and the News is Terrible, Read This…
Yes, stocks can drop. Sometimes a lot. That’s not exactly news, nor should it be long-term consequential. How we react to those times of stock market duress, however, is very consequential. The chart below from JP Morgan’s Guide to the Markets shows the annual...