Resolute, Part I – The Stock Market

The turning of the calendar from April to May marks approximately 480 calendar days from the S&P 500’s previous high[i].  During this time, stocks have lived in bear market territory for more than half of those days[ii]. To add insult to injury, bonds suffered a...

Elder Care – It’s a Big Deal!

While younger generations have been caring for their elders since the beginning of time, today’s concept of Elder Care is much different.  Without going into an extensive analysis, we can recognize that advances in technology and healthcare have led to healthier...

Plus Ça Change…

Before there was an internet, 24/7 financial news coverage, or personal computers that allowed you to day trade like a big shot, there was Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser.  It was must-see TV. Wall Street Week with Louis Rukeyser debuted in 1971 and ran...

Buy vs Rent? What’s the Tipping Point?

Whether you’re dreaming of your first home, a beachside vacation property, or looking forward to downsizing an empty nest, the idea of owning a property is exciting!  And it’s the smart thing to do.  Right? The answer is maybe.  While it’s easy to see renting as...

Money Talk is Back on the Table

Let’s talk about money—it’s not just valuable, but it has a place for everyone in their daily lives.  And on top of that—NOT having money discussions can be detrimental to your wealth. Money has historically been an off-limit topic for families, even to the point of...