Down But Not Out

As we endure another downside move in the current bear market in stocks, there are some technical analysis terms that come to mind:  Bottoming and Bear Market Traps. Before explaining those terms, it is helpful to understand the two broad categories of investment...

Estate Planning – Don’t Leave Home Without It

It is both easy and convenient to ignore the harsh truth of mortality.  While we try to focus on the good things in life and living in the present, acknowledging the inevitable throws a silencing wrench into our plans.  It cuts things short, causes disruptions, and...

Why Am I Doing This Again?

Through June 28th, the S&P 500 Index has tallied a -20% return over 68 negative trading days this year1.  With each additional negative day in the markets, investor confidence continues to erode.  As the emotional toll builds, it reaches a terminal velocity where...

Where Are the Billionaires?

How many billionaires are there today in the United States? While there is no definitive count, most estimates put the number at no more than 1,000. Whatever the precise number, given the power of compounding, there should be many times that number of billionaires in...

Stay Focused on What Matters

Charlie Ellis, called Wall Street’s wisest man by personal finance columnist Jason Zweig of the Wall Street Journal, is a renowned investment consultant I have quoted many times.  The thrust of his advice (indeed, he wrote the book on it) is for investors such as us...